суббота, 21 февраля 2015 г.

Задания по английскому языку от Мурановой Т.В.

Задания для 4 класса
1. Записать глагол to take в Present Simple, Past Simple, Future simple, Present Progressive.
2. Раскрыть скобки, поставив глагол в нужной форме.
1) My father (like, watatch) TV in the evening.
2) Tomorrow we (visit) a new park in our city.
3) Now children (dance) in the club.
4) We (write) interesting poems yesterday.
5) Our teacher ( draw) a nice animal on the blackboard.

2 комментария :

  1. Иванов Д.
    1) My father watah TV in the evening.
    2) Tomorrow we a new park in our city.
    3) Now children dance in the club.
    4) We interesting poems yesterday.
    5) Our teacher draw a nice animal on the blackboard.

  2. 1. My father like TV in the evening
    2.Tomorrow we a new park in our city
    3. Now children dance in the club.
    4. We interesting poems yesterday
    5. Our teacher draw a nice animal on the blackboard.
